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Therapists: Evolve Your Self Care & Your Practice

person watching sunset
Dynamic Renewal
Image by adison clark

Did you ever imagine it’d be so hard to do this work?

As a therapist or healer, you put your mind, body, and spirit into what you do, literally. It can take its toll physically, emotionally, relationally. You guide others through change and growth all the time, yet tending to your own wellbeing seldom gets to the top of the list. 

Thanks to pioneers in the field, new and empowering paradigms have emerged. You deserve to reap the benefits personally, nurturing yourself as a valued person in the restoration and nurturance of so many others.

Take your self care to the dynamics inside, to the depths that matter the most through our Coaching for Harmonized Growth.

Evolve Your Self Care

Evolve the Self Care of the Health Professionals in your organization with the
Dynamic Renewal Program

ISG has developed a framework, Dynamic Renewal, that provides a roadmap to sustain the wellbeing of the staff and professionals that you depend on for the success of your healthcare organization. Imagine having more clarity to the dynamic needs and adopting feedback and feedforward loops for healthy human systems. Many educational programs teach the importance of ‘common factors’ and ‘relationship’ in therapeutic and healthcare work, yet miss the critical aspects that (1) you can’t fake compassion and (2) endlessly giving without restoration is not sustainable. 

Evolve Your Practice

Evolve your practice with innovative tools and interventions.

Because of Shelly’s active therapy practice and background in innovation, she is on the constant lookout for innovative tools and interventions that make the work of healing easier for providers and clients alike. ISG is a resource to guide resolution to the natural protective reactions you may have to these new ideas.  Many educational programs take the perspective of training you in what to do, not how to evolve your practice.


SSP Mentoring: 
Group and Individual Safe and Sound Protocol™ Support

To support others in the exploration and application of SSP from Unyte, Shelly, through ISG, offers SSP Mentoring in Group and Individual formats. Participants include professionals who are considering SSP or are actively using it. Participants bring their questions and curiosities to the group sessions and, similarly, the agenda for individual mentoring is set per the mentee’s needs. Topics can range from deepening understanding of theoretical concepts, clinical guidance on integrating the SSP into practice (with top-down behavior-based modalities or other body-up modalities), clinical case consultation, or guidance and decision process for integrating SSP into business process.

man looking at headphones

SSP Mentoring: Group

Sessions are held via Zoom on the first Wednesday of each month from 8-9:30am CT). Register per session. ($45/90 minutes)

SSP Mentoring: Individual

Request a session using the button below. ($110/30 minutes)

"As we, therapists, evolve the dynamics of our own care, we have capacity to take on the transformation in care needed to advance the healing and ease of our clients and the human population."

-Shelly Melroe, ISG Founder

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